About us

I think we – as family – used to be dogs’ funs… I was growing up with a lovely dog – Doberman called Rumcajs. He was very smart, very handsome and set some standards for my future dog, I dreamed of. But I left my parents’ home for studying, than I started my work and my Mr Perfect Dog became just a faraway vision… My friends kept talking about cats, that they were great, magic and a bit less absorbing and time consuming. Come on…? Should I replace my ideal dog with a cat???


It happens from time to time that something occurs in our life and changes course of fate. This happened to me in 2001. One day I just came back with a little black and white kitten from a family encounter. The deal was simple – I gave a kitten one week to get to know each other. If it did not work out I could bring her back. I guess she knew it… on the fifth day she went out of her hideout, jumped on my knees, curled up and started to purr… Well, that was how it started and has been going on!!! Sonia (as I called her) was a nice, gentle female, but rather suspicious towards unknown persons. In 2002 she was joined by Kajtek, a very funny, joyful kitten, the whole family felt in love with. Unfortunately Sonia went over rainbow bridge in September 2009. We decided that Kajtek needed a companion, but this time we looked at pure breed cats. We felt in love with Norwegian Forest Cats, cats with amazing alert look and very natural, almost wild, appearance.



It is just now, that I dare to say that the NFO’s character is also very special. While buying our first Norwegian Forest Cat Amon we did not think about breeding. When we were joined by cyber[shot] Groove Armada*PL (our second NFO), we went – just for fun - for our first cat show in Koscian. The competition and excellent results of our cats encouraged us to continue the show story, but we did not have any breeding plans.


Cyber[shot] Groove Armada*PL has proved to be lovely show cat with fantastic look and very friendly character. After many long discussions with breeders friends, long hours of meditating, I made up my mind and decided to start small cattery of Norwegian Forest Cats. So 2012 was a year of searching. I searched for cattery name and for my first breeding female. I would like to express my highest gratitude to Barbro Aberg (cattery Rockringen’s from Sweden), to Mirek Skotarczyk and Krzysztof Kalicinski (Groove Armada*PL cattery) for their support and trust. Thanks to you I found my the Only One, who joined us in November 2012. I would like to deeply thank Ulrica and Lars Wilderang (cattery Restless from Sweden) for entrusting me and allowing little sweet Nymeria to move to my home.


Our cats live with us and are beloved family members. They have access to every part of our house, as well as they can spend time in two secured catruns. Our cats are under close care of veterinarians from the Fiolka clinic in Warsaw. My cats’ hearts are regularly scanned by DVM PhD Urszula Bartoszuk-Bruzzone. Cats even have their own guardian – Australian Shepherd called Caspy. The aim of my cattery is to breed not only excellent in type Norwegian Forest Cats, but also to pay special attention to their friendly character. I think that love and care they are receiving from us will benefit in their future happy lives in new homes.


I am a member of Felis Posnania club, belonging to Felis Polonia, being a part of Federation Internationale Feline (FIFe), as well as of AGNAR - NFO Breeders and Fanciers Club in Poland. P.S. Taurandir (in Elvish language) means forest wanderer, so I find this name very suitable for the cattery breeding extraordinary and proud Norwegian Forest Cats…

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